Thursday, March 26, 2009

Film Lesson - Schindler's List

Schindler's Listed illistrated the Holocaust in being terrible. The details on the graphics, the musical background and just the mood the movie had made you just realize how bad it really was. There was many powerful scenes in this movie like the little girl in the red dress, but i believe it was the scence with the little boy. The little boy escaped from getting into the pick up trucks and he was running so that he wouldn't get caught. He was looking for places to hide (the huts they created under the ground) but all of them were full of people. There was still space but the children replied as it being full. I found that pretty rude in there behalf they should of helped eachother.

The little boy then snuck into the toliets. The toliet was numerous holes in a long block of wood. He jumped right in. I thought he would be the only one in there and that hopefully it would be empty. Although when he jump in there was other kids in there and the toliets were half way full. The kid in the toliet also replied that that was there hidding spot and he didnt belong there. I found this part very powerful.

That image will stay with me as well as the other horrible things I saw in the film. Seeing the little girl dirty and dead heading to get burned, the people that hid in the ghettos getting looked forand shot. Also the man stepping out of his home in the ghetto and getting shot in the head right in front of his family. Those are images that I will remember.

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