Wednesday, May 13, 2009

the collapse of communism

Read the four links below. Why did Communism collapse in Eastern Europe and the USSR? Why did people tear down the Berlin Wall? What happened to the Soviet Union and how did the collapse of the Soviet Union change the world?
Link 1. Link 2. Link 3Link 4.

The Berlin Wall first went up in August of 1961. The Berlin wall was a gigantic structure separating the East and Western part of  Germany. The east part of germany were all communist and wouldnt allow anyone who wasn't. At least 100 people were shot at the Berlin Wall attempting to get on the other side. In 1989 the Berlin Wall came crashing down. At first this was a problem but then they were able to better their financial situations. 

not done...

Monday, May 11, 2009

Nelson Maldela and apartheid

In my opinion apartheid is a former policy of segregation as well as political and economic discrimination. In this case it was against non-European groups in the Republic of South africa.

Nelson Mandela was fight for freedom. He became a lifelong fighter for the freedom of South Africa. In 1964 he was sentenced for life in prison in order to silence him. Although while in prison it did not stop the people from believing. In 1990 he was set free and that was the ending of apartheid. 5 years from then he was elected president and won the noble peace prize. Thanks to him Apartheid stopped and everyone in South Africa was free.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

african independence

In the 20th year period from 1955 to 1975 africa changed in many ways. The french speaking africans and west indians formed the negritude movement. This was a movement to celebrate african culture, heritage and values. After World War II, many European countries were ready to transfer government to the african people. The british of gold coast allowed more africans to nominated to the legislative council.

If you look at a map from 1955 there was only 4 independent countries and the rest were were colonies. Then in 1975 there was only 3 colonies in africa, while the rest of the countries were independent. Patrice Lumumba became the nation’s first prime minister. He ruled a divided country. In the southeastern province of Katanga, a local leader named Moise Tshombe declared that region’s independence.For 32 years, Mobutu ruled the
country that he renamed Zaire.